Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hello Everybody,

We just moved into our more permament home this last weekend. The Panabode! It's a lovely little rustic cabin right next to our field. So now we're actually at 80 Bantry Bay Farm Rd, instead of 62, for all of those lovely packages you're wanting to send. We will be posting some pictures of the panabode and things on our website and perhaps with a later blog post. We're are all really excited to be in our new home, and just trying to get everything unpacked and sorted out, while trying to dig the field, and plant vegetables. It's a very busy time.

We went to Earth Day in St. Andrews on Saturday, and we had a little display about Food Choices and the Earth. We met some more people there that were very encouraging about what we were doing, and got a chance to talk more with people we already know. We also saw a presentation on Fair Trade, one on marine litter, and another one on climate change. All very good. It's amazing to see how many people here in this town care about these issues, and are interested in making a change. I think we all felt a renewed enthusiasm for farming/gardening, and providing people with sustainable(and hopefully delicious) food choices.


At 4/25/2006 06:16:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Delightful! Happy Burly Earthday! Sara and I spent our Earthday outside in the glorious sunshine. I got a new shovel for my Birthday and so we dug up two veggie garden plots and I built a new compost for our backyard. It was more than glorious; it was Glorfindelious!

At 4/26/2006 05:30:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

scott and i did some digging for earth day too! we weeded out most of our new community garden plot--it's in a much better location (and better state) than the one we had last year, so we are really excited! will have to post some photos soon...

At 4/26/2006 07:21:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watered my plants...

At 4/26/2006 09:10:00 p.m., Blogger Jason said...

As did I.


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