A Delightful Ditty...
Kath's Sister Nicole sent us a poem. And Kath figured it should go on the blog so here it is:
Ode to Bantry Bay Organic Farm
Yo Yo, How's the gang at Bantry Bay
I hear you're cooking, digging and laying hay
Having bonded with Shandy, Belinda and Bailey
I'm sure you're saying "this ain't bad, I guess I'll stay"
Spring has arrived on the shores of St. Andrew's-By-The-Sea
And your onions are shouting, "Plant MEEE, plant MEEEE!"
The peppers and tomatoes are eager as well
When all the seeds are planted, a 'garden party' it will be.
The team is armed with passion, zeal and zest!
Ready to work hard and play hard with little time to rest.
With all the love and energy the Organic Four* invest
The Bantry Bay Farm is sure to be the Best!
Xo Nic
*The Organic Four may you use your super powers to spread grassroots health, wisdom, strength and pure silliness.
We thank you Nic for such a delightful poem! And we challenge some others to write some of your own!
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