Wednesday, September 16, 2009

At the farm

The three Hadfield boys

My dad and I flew out to New Brunswick on Monday evening (overnight flight) to visit the farm. We both wanted to visit Mike again and thought it would be great to spend a bit of time out on the farm as well. I was out previously in the spring when they were mostly prepping. So this will be a good contrast to catch some of the harvesting.

Neither of us slept much on the flight so when we got here Tuesday we were both tired and didn't even get out onto the farm. The time change here is only 4h, but with my schedule change (I normally go to bed around 2am and that's switched to 9pm) it makes the time change almost 10h. I mostly slacked off today, but ended up getting a few photos and picking / "processing" some onions for their CSA tomorrow.

I'm out here until Monday and my dad for about another week after that. So it should be good times. And it'll probably be nice to have a couple extra hands on the farm.

This is also re-posted on my personal blog.

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At 9/17/2009 02:14:00 a.m., Blogger lynnfield said...

Looking good you 3! Why can't I be there???

At 1/04/2010 07:22:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

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