A Post School Post.
Well it's the time of the year in Fredericton, where all the for rent signs start popping up in the windows of shady looking houses. Yes it is the end of the school year for those that aren't taking intersession. I have to say I fully enjoyed my time here, I had a great landlady and the fact that my cousin was going to school as well, I was able to hang out with him and his engineering friends. Now you may think that why would CS (computer science) student hang out with engineers, well it is easy CS students are an anti-social kinda crowd.
So all in all this semester can be summed up as a good time. I just got some of my grades back this morning and I am quite sure I am off academic probation, which I was put on because I dropped out of sfu with a sub-par gpa. I think it was a good call to go back to the school, my grades definitely show I can handle it. So my future academic plans are to possibly get an education degree along with my CS (which supposedly only takes another year), and maybe become a teacher and farm in the summers.
As for some current farm news: On earth day we all joined in for an early morning bed race accompanied by our vegan friend Cedar Sky. Basically a bed race is a race where you push a bed like cart with one person sitting in it and four people pushing.

Our Bed sadly didn't have steering and it took a long while to figure out how to do it without someone getting maimed. Cedar got caught up in our steering rope and ended up getting run over by the cart in the process. That is when the rope was retired. All in all i realized i was extremely out of shape. After the bed race Katherine headed back to the farm to do some baking and farm maintenance work while Mike Luke and I stayed back and picked up trash in town.

I got some good sun that weekend and before i headed back to Freddie for my last week here. Katherine, Bailey and I joined some others for a walk in Ganong park with a bit of a tour of future plans there, and also to get a look at the "Great Scar" aka the bayside Quarry.

Well Soon enough you will be getting some good quality farm updates things have been very busy this past week and a lot of things in the mix. Not just peat sand and soil :P
Congratulations Brad!
Thanks Ben!
Nice work Brad! See you soon!
The winter witnessed a hibernation of posting and reading and commenting, but Ben and Sar reminded me that a new farm season is upon us and you have all been posting in preparation. Whoopee. Congrats on all of your off-season accomplishments! I can't wait to read about all of the beautiful things you create this summer!
Hey Farmers..
(Congrats Brad .. Great Job on the school end!!.)
Things are looking very spring like in the BB Farm world...I hope the weather will be more stable now..I also look forward to the farm updates.Have fun..Good luck ..love wendy
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