Peter Picked a Peck of Perfect Pickles
Well yes i know there is no Peter on the farm... But there certainly is alot of perfect pickles :P. We have started looking into ways to feed ourselves off the land in the winter, which has ended up in projects such as another greenhouse, root cellar, and our winter garden. Another fantastic way is to Preserve stuff.
We were lucky enough to have a whole bunch of mason jars given to us by my mom's step-mom, Marie. So that was the main insentive to start canning, along with the abundance of cucumbers being produced. So the first day of canning kath wanted to make Garlic Dill pickles, and I wanted to make Mustard Pickles.

So with a little bit of research and some prep work the pickles went off without a hitch, well as far as we can tell because we haven't tried any yet. After market this week we had alot of cucumbers left over (20 lbs. in fact!) so i decided to make another batch of pickles and this time curry pickles were chosen. After all was said and done 11 quarts of curry pickles were produced.

So far I think that is a good start to some Winter Bounty.
Hey BB Farmers,
Those pickles look good.... save some for our Christmas vist...(My Mum used to make wicked Dill Pickles)..can't mum
they look great guys!
I love pickles. But more than pickles I love regular updates on the going-ons at the farm. (I really hate pickles but I needed a clever way to point out that I am anxiously awaiting a new post). Hope you all are well!
I love Aaron. But more than Aaron I love regular updates on the going-ons at the farm. (I really hate Aaron but I needed a clever way to point out that I am anxiously awaiting a new post). (I really love Aaron but I needed a clever way to point out that I am anxiously awaiting a new post). Hope you all (Aaron included) are well!
Brad and friends!
How is everyone doing?!? haven't checked the blog for awhile, but you guys haven't updated in awhile either. :P
Brad, here are those lyrics you requested:
number 1:
i am love, i am lover
i am freedom, i am free
i am part of the beauty that is all around me
my feet are firm upon the earth
my hands reach for the sun
i am strong in my power and with all i am one.
number 2:
we are justice calling
freedom's rebirth
we are the river rising to
reclaim the earth
and let it begin with each step we take
and let it begin with each chain we break,
let it begin with each change we make
and let it begin everytime we wake.
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